Wed. May 18,2006
6:20am Sabastion wakes up. Craig gives him a rice bottle and I let Frodo out to pee. My mothers dog is staying with us while she is up north.
6:30am has taken about 3oz. Sabastion seems more intrested in banging on the trash can and playing with the ball tower.
6:34am I set my head on Craig's lap, I am exahsted.
6:39am Sabastion pulls my hand to sit up. Craig puts on Blues Clues. Sabastion begins to drink bottle. He has very little jumping and/or flagging yet this morning.
6:42an My head lays down on Craigs lap once again. He is on his computer and Sabastion is watching TV. Sabastion can not seem to leave my face alone. He pulls at my lips and ears. He has only had another oz. of rice milk. He has set it aside again.
7:00am Craig takes him to his bedroom to change a diry diaper. He hummed for a moment. He was not dirty only gassy.
7:30am as I am cooking Sabastion is pulling and pawing at me. Craig claps his hands to get Sabastions attention. I notice this makes him start jumping and flapping. I told Craig not to do that any more. I will also drop that form of grabbing the boys attention. I gave Craig a coffee filter with Panda Puffs, a GFCF cereal, and Sabastion ate a few. Craiged played with him , while I cleaned up the kitchen and prepared breakfast. I noticed all my oils have soy in them. I am gonna have to get some canola.
8:30am Sabastion ate about one an a half gulton free pancakes with pure Michigan maple syrup, and about 4oz of apple sauce.
9:00am 8oz rice bottle
9:17am tickle time with Uncle Puck.
9:30am Puzzle...I handed him pieces and took them. That is a big step in nd of it's self. Then he drop the peices on the board. It was very close to playing and I didn't even bribe him.
10:00am we went to pick up shot records and stopped at Walmart to get a bread machine. They do not carry them any more.
11:30am 8oz. rice bottle and a few gorilla munchies. I also gave him fou cheetios. I know they are not on the diet, but he was pitiful, and loud.
12:15pm we got home, and I made him a PBJ with the two leftover pancakes. He did not want to eat.
12:30pm Put in Baby Einstien Baby Doolittle neighborhood animals. He loves those puppies. A lot of jumping, hand flapping an ear flicking.
12:50pm 8oz rice bottle, cuddles, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (he loves the music)
1:04pm Asleep and in crib
I recived this in an e-mail today
Subject: My kid is getting better
Hey everybody,
I had to get on here without a question and tell you finally my kid is
responding now. I started this diet in April and it is not fun. In
fact, I have been questioning it everyday. Well today paid off, my
son is GF/CF/SF and yeast free. He had speech therapy today and she
told me "whatever you are doing keep doing it." There is a light at
the end of this tunnel and I am now finally experiencing it!!! Didn't
say it was easy, but worth it.
Marshmellow Fluff is gfcf
3:40pm Sabastion gets up from his nap. Craig went out to comb the town for a new drum. We are watching Mom's dog and he had an accident. Sabastion rolled it thru the poo. I had to throw it out. Cleaning it would have broke it. So on with the story. Craig brought home a new drum. We placed it in the living room along with all the other toys. When Uncle Puck brought him into the living room he amidiatly went for the drum. He left his bottle and took the drum to his room. I think he wants alone time with it. I am going to start using the word drum more. and seeing if I can get him to use it as a request instead of push/pulling me or reaching out.
4:30pm Friends came over and Sabastion was receptive at first and then was overwelmed.I put in Blues Clues and he began to quiet down.
5:00pm 1/2 cup cooked oats and 4oz apple sauce. I offered water, but he pushed it away.
6:14pm standing on head ... Jumping and flapping...then he began a tantrum....
6:24pm Granpa D. came over. It was right in the middle of a fit and Sabastion simply stoped. When Grampa D. came in Sabastion grab his hand and Grampa D. danced for him for a few moments. That was all it took. Dora was put in while Grandpa D. and I looked at wiring in the Kitchen.
random insert:
tomarrow..interveiw...we need:
social secerity card
birth certificate
2 pay stubs
shot records
autism diagnosis
7:20pm Brushing and Comprestions
7:45pm Dirty Diaper. Solid stool..that is so good! I can not even discribe to you all how good that is.
7:50pm Bath...screaming, shaking, crying. He did not handle it as well as yesterday. We dryed of and lotioned up. He loves that part. When I put the lotion in my hand he sticks his feet out; as if to say here...put it here, momma. Getting dresse wasn't so bad. After I put on his top he zoned out for a few seconds. I asked him, "where did you go, my love?" He seemed to shake it off and got down off the bed. He took my hand and led me to the living room.
8:45pm he is stiming on the drum...offer rice bottle..he drank 3oz.
9:00pm Takes rest of bottle....and cudles in
9:20pm is rocked to sleep and put to bed.

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