GFCF Recipe Resource
May 19,2005
5:00am Sabastion wakes up, and Craig gets him a Rice bottle
Craig let me sleep a bit.
8:00am I am taking a shower, when into th bathroom comes Craig and Sabastion. Frodo was up in Sabastion's face. Sabastion threw up all over the place. He is a bit warm, but not feavorish.
8:15am Oatmeal and Apple sauce sprinkled with cinnamon. He ate a bit and trew up.
8:38am 8oz rice milk with one teaspoon Benadryl..I have to check if it is GFCF. At this point I am giving it to him not knowing. I also need to look into olive leaf extract.
eating without casin
Sensory intergration
1:33pm We went to the Florida ki care to see if we qualified. We make $172.00 too much a month to get assistance. We make $200.00 a month too much to get Medicade/Medacare.(whatever the one for kids is) Monday I will aply for social secerity. I am very doubtful anyone will help at this point. I guess that is just the way things are. Sabastions has been stiming a lot today and crying. He ate a bit of a hamburger patty and a few french fries at lunch. No rice milk. Craig gave him some apple sauce when we got home. We also stopped at circet city on the way home. He loves shopping, and thought it was funny when someone turned up a radio real loud for a moment. Now he is jumping and playing with his drum.
3:00pm Early Ed Teacher, Mrs. Pat came over. He seemed glad to see her. However, when she began to try and interact with him he cryed and fused. We went over his cans and can nots. His gross moter skills are very high for someone his age. That made me proud. Of course his comunication skills are way below his age level. She is going to take us to a play group next week. I am intrested to see how that goes. We also talked about the diet. She knows people who have done it and raved on how wonder ful it was.
4:30pm I broke. Between the dog and the kid, I just lost my sense of composure. Puck came and sat in the living room while I attemted to clean the kitchen. I have to do something about this house. The clutter is driving me batty and I am a little embaressed when people come over. I have a game plan. I just hope we all can stick to it.
5:30pm oatmeal and apple sauce. I know he eats it a lot, but he eats it. As long as he will eat it that is good. I read about one boy who would only eat cereal, and it didn't kill him.
6:24pm making porkchops and mash potatoes for the adults. I under cooked the potatoes so they are more like glue. Oh, well I am sure they will be eaten. I boy is watching baby bach an is stiming very little to not at all.
9:00pm boy had 2oz.with Benadryl.an went to sleep. Not much to report in between. I clean my kitchen sink til it shined, after I let the boy play in some running water. Oh, I almost forgot to write about that. He put his feet in the sink. I washed him up but no bath. I gave mom's dog frodo a bath. He smelled and was needing it.
-the mom type person

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