Tuesday May 17,2005
6:00am Sabastion woke up
6:15am 8 ouncce bottle rice milk
7:00am after changing wet diaper Sabastion threw up bottle
8:30am 1/2 cup cooked oat meal and 4oz apple sauce
10:00am 8oz vanilla rice milk
10:30am offered gorilla munchies and panda puffs both were refussed
10:40am displaying a lot of hand flaping and jumping...making much upset noises as if frustrated, but nothing seems to appease this problem
10:45am Dora video is playing he is intrested on and off and begins to bang head on fathers chest. He seems sleepy. Also is flickining fingers in a snapping motion repeatedly.
10:54am fell asleep...his OT therapist is sceduled for 11:00am. He seems to know when she is coming and falls asleep just before she comes. I will keep ocumenting and see if this holds true.
11:10am Laid him down in crib. Non-reponsive to movement or sound..deep sleep
11:20am OT knocks on door. We discuss GFCF diet a bit before she leaves.
Noon Sabastion sleeps while the adults eat. I take the oppertunity to shower and begin to read "overcoming AUTISM" by Lynn Kern Koegel, PH.D., and Claire LaZebnik. ISBN#0-14-303468-5
1:40pm woke up grumbling...refuses bottle...then takes it with a wimper...took a few sips and rufused it again.
2:10pm put on baby einstien..baby bach...caught his attention...Began to jump an flap...drank Rice bottle.
2:24pm watching video..playing with ball tower...and is very gasie
2:30pm ate 2oz of apple sauce and a bite of rice bread PBJ...began screaming and kicking when Dad left for work....
2:43pm playing with yellow dog with his feet and wants no attention..pushes away.
3:02pm offered gorilla munchies GF cereal ..refused...I put some in a coffee filter an set it in his chair, maybe he will find it later...he is humming more than usual
3:43pm Dirty Diaper needed changed. When told "show me" Sabastion took my hand and lead me to his room. I be gan to change his diaper. He was all hands an legs, and wanting to "help". Sometimes it just is not a one women job. His BM was mushy as it usualy is, but his bottom was not red and welted as it is more then not. This could be a result of the rice milk, but we will have to continue with that for at least a week before we can be sure. After the diaper change he led me to bathroom. When I opened the door he did not wait for me. He moved his chair to the sink and climbed up. I grabed the back of his shirt, becouse I was worried he might fall. He didn't, and smiled at me. I turned on the water and we washed our hands. After I let him stim a bit in the water. I noticed that he was sticking out his tongue. This is a big deal, becouse of the tongue tied situation.I turned off the water and promted him to sighn more. He pushe my hands tward the faucet. I propted the sighn once more, then took his hands and "helped" him make the sighn. I then turned the water back on. We repeated this three times. He did not do the sighn on his own.
3:50pm I gave Sabastion the choice of Dora or Blue videos. He chioce Dora and tried to put the DVD int the VCR player box and all. I put the disk in and started the DVD. I went to start this enrty. When I sat down I said. "I love you so much, Sabastion." He made eye contact and smiled. My heart lept. I know this dose not seem to be a big deal to most, but to me and those who know our dear boy know it is a grand thing.
3:56pm Sabastion discovers the handful of Gorilla Muchies I sat out and begins snacking.His picer grabbing is getting more proficent, but still needs more work.
4:12pm offered bluebery juice, white grape, and water all were refused. offered rice milk and there was no hesitation. He dose seem to like the vanilla over the plain. I can not blame him. It is rice and water not much in the wat of taste. Even more bland then soy.
Randdom insert:
We are looking into getting a bread maker. The rice bread I bought at the store is quite heavy and Sabastion dose not seem to like it. He has issues with textures an I think this was too much of a change. There is a brand of mix called Bob's Red Mill. I am going to get more rice milk tonight and will see if I can find any. I would like to try it. Also I found a cook book. It was called something like 200 gulten free bread reciepies. If I need to make bread every day I will need a bread maker. This kid loves PBJs.
4:30pm wanted another bottle of rice milk...I was hesitant, but he had eaten so little that I gave in. He drank it and did not throw up. If that was a formula bottle he would have been sick. We then headed to the health food store just up the street to pick up more rice milk. They did not have any, but can orer it by the case for me. I will do some price checking to see if this is a cheaper option. We found rice milk at Publix. This brand is Rice Dream. It has more vitamins and protean. The other had no protean. He hummed the whole time he was in the shopping cart, and flicked his ears quite a bit. I know he loves shopping, but it dose over stimulate him quite a bit.
6:00pm Offered PBJ on regular bread and he refused. He ate freanch fries. He never ate them before, but I supose it is better then nothing.
6:20pm rice bottle was very excited to see it and drank it right away.
Yet, another random insert:
After our apointment at Florida kid care we need to set up an appointment with the nerologist. After that I would like him to see a DAN Doctor, but am afraid we will not be able to afford it. Maybe his pediatriction would do the test on his metal levals. We shall just have to ask and see.
7:39pm lots of sudden jumping intermingled with climbing on mom. Also discovered water bottle. This would be a great habit. H2O is very good...;)
7:50pm Brushing fallowed by jiont compresstions fallowed by jumping. This technique stimulates the neron paths and connects them. At least that is what I think they mean by the write ups. The OT and early Ed teacher recomended it. It seemed to work a bit.
8:00pm Bath time. He was intreste in the water until I starte taking of his clothing. Then he became clingy and wimpered. I set him in the bath. He stands and holds my shoulders. He started to shake and cry. Then he waived his hand in the water and put it in his mouth. He was off and on like this until I began to realy bath him. The cloth with water made him extreamly upset. The shapoo was worse then the rinse was tramatic. Screams were not as bad as usual. His shaking broke my heart and the crocidile tears tore me apart. i picked him out of the water an rocked him until he was calmer. I have to admit it was much better then usual. I put on a new diaper and notice his genitals and bottom were not red and irritate, as they have been for quite sometime now. He was lotioned up and put into a t-shirt and shorts. He is also stil poking an picjing at his bottom. I am worrie about a spot on his left check. I took him to the pediatrition a few months back. She said it was not a spier bite. I put rawing agents and anti-itch creams on it. It clearedd up, but now it looks to be coming back.
8:20pm Blues Clues...Screams, giggles, and standing on his head. Jumping and flicking ears.
8:50pm We played under with the quilt. I hide under the quilt and when he lifts the quilt over his head and is under with me I say "under", and we hug or tickle, give kisses and say I love you. He giggled and kept the game going for more then five minutes.
9:00pm I went to put in a movie that would be like white noise to him. This tends to help him fall asleep. I choice a piolot for a TV show we used to watch every week. When I was putting it in he hit his head on the entertainment center. Oh, what a goose egg. Poor little man. I gave him some rice milk and we cuddled for a bit. He drank 3oz.
9:15pm began bouncing his head on my chest and shoulders and repeated the sound aahh...aahhh..this is typical behavoir for falling asleep. I have the bruises to prove it.
9:30pm He crawled down to my leg and I began to bounce him gently and hum a lalaby.
9:43pm I placed a sleeping child in his crib.
9:45pm....I am sleepy, but have a days worth of bottles, dishes, and pots and pans. I should do laundry, but it is way to late since my morning will start at about 6:00am. I am going to post this now and will update any night time happenings in tomarrows entry. Thank you for all your support and love.
-the mom type person

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