May 21,2005
Craig got up with the boy this morning. I am very head achy and soar all over. I hope I am not coming down with anything.
I got up about 8:00am and Craig was feeding Sabastion OatMeal and Apple sauce. We have run out of rice milk. We have to go to Melbourne (south of us) to get some groceries for him. I need to find bread and we need to by rice milk by the case. Ok, let me see....
10:20am diaper change and clothes change...Joy!
11:00am went to Wyld Oats....Found chocolate cookies. Sabastion loves them. Chicken hot dogs. Again, he loves them and he never liked hot dogs before.
1:35pm Sabastion still has red checks, but the dark circles are gone. Craig went to nap. When he gets up I will make bread. We are trying Bob's red mill.
I am reaing the Bread recipies and an very excited to try them. The book says that 10% of blood relitives are also glutain intalorant. We should probably get checked.
5:00pm Sabastion gets up from nap. I can not remember what time he fell asleep. I want to say 3ish. I gave him rice milk.
6:00pm dinner GFCFSF macaroni chicken and maranara. Rice crackers. He did not like them very much. Chocolate cookies are such a hit! rice milk is very good too.
9:20pm we are still up. Bottle and white noise are going to be used.
Subject: RE: Soy free Chocolate?
Enjoy Life Foods Semi Sweet Chocolate chips are soy free and you can melt
them down to create your own shapes or delights.
10:00pm ok good night....

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