May 22,2005
6:15am wake up rice bottle.
8:00am 2GFCFSF pancakes 2peices bacon 8oz rice bottle
8:58am dirty diaper. Sabastion's BMs are very small now and have a yellowish color to them. Also this one was mostly liquid and he had a bit of irritation on his bottom. Put zinc on it.
note: Speggetti squash
9:46am began to show a bit of intrest in large ball we purchased for therapy. He screamed bloody murder every time we even went near it. We never used it. He just banged his hands on it a couple of times and walked away calmly, and sat by me for a moment.
10:30am I left the living room for a few minutes. When I came back in a smelled poop. I thought it was one of the animals. To my dismay it was none of them. It was Sabastion. He had it smeared all over his face. I took him to the bathroom, stood him on his chair and washed him up. It worked well. He was discracted by the running water.
11:30am lunch...instant mash potatoes made with rice milk. 4oz apple sauce, and a cookie. rice milk.
12:11pm he is very sleepy....rocking and crying.
12:30pm went to sleep
2:00pm woke up an went back to sleep on my lap. Granpa D. came to visit.
3:20pm woke up and sat with Grandpa D. Had rice bottle outside with Grandpa D. They played fallows the leader for a time.
3:50pm Offered cookie. He took it but did not eat it. Gave him a choice between Dora and Baby Neptune. He choose Baby Neptune.
6:30pm he ate a half of a can of ground green beans. 8 oz rice milk.
7:30pm bath was loud and screaming.
8:45pm went to bed

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