I do apologize for not posting as of late. It has been a verry hard week. On Wed the 12th we took Sabastion to see Dr. Cosgrove. You see, Sabastion was born severely tongue-tied. After a couple of months of him not being able to latch and suck correctly he lost weight and became sick. Our old Pediatrician said he was fine. We kicked her aside and began to see Dr. Cosgrove. She immediately clipped his tongue and signed him up at the Hope Center for therapy. SInce then he has not begun to talk, nor does he swallow with out the aide of his finger to push the food back. When seeing Dr. Cosgrove this past wednesday she said we needed to begin to take him to a neurologist and begin speech therapy. We do not have insurance. this is going to be a long hard road. I was upset. Then that evening Sabastion began jumping up and down with excitment as Joe began to sing on Blue's Clues. He landed hard and when my mother picked him up blood began to run from his mouth. I looked on the floor and found his right front incisor. I was so upset. He is fine now. I will tell you all more later. I am tired.........

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