Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Hi everyone.
It is I the Mom type person. I am sorry we have not had posts in awhile. It started with blogger not letting me post becouse it said I was spamming....yeah, have you seen some of the strange comments people leave as advertisment on this page? At anyrate, Here are some new pics. I hope to be putting up more soon. We also will be starting a new blog for Sabastion's sister, Esme, she will be here in November. I am a bit pregnant and tiered so I will do my best..
Love to one and all....

Mr. Meshtopholies is making sure all is fine while Sabastion goes to sleep in his homemade nest.... Posted by Picasa

sleepy Posted by Picasa

Mom and Uncle Puck are jealous of my red and black cucks.....I hate them..they are shoes Posted by Picasa

La...La...La....down the hall I go Posted by Picasa

me and dad and my cool shoes Posted by Picasa

my room Posted by Picasa

Jumping on Mom and Dads bed is so much fun...but they get upset and say I am going to break my head open like a monkey Posted by Picasa

Danna was playing with my hair and I liked it! Posted by Picasa

standing on my head is a favorite pass time Posted by Picasa

tickles! Posted by Picasa

My guys are smiling...oh, I love this picture Posted by Picasa

yep..that is Sabastion Posted by Picasa

Mom's foot..I am trying to not look at the camera Posted by Picasa

I am very cute....but do not put me near the water again Posted by Picasa

we went to the beach...Sabastion hated it Posted by Picasa