Sabastion has been doing pretty good. We have been doing 2 to 4 hours of therapy play a day. When he can handle it. Also, his therapist are still coming three times a week. I have had to put in a standing order of a case of rice milk a week. Last week they were out. We tried a new brand and it started out a bit ruff. It is ok now. I just wish this blasted rain would slow down so we can travel on over to Melbourne and get his food for the week. We also need to get huricaine supplies. The rain is so bad that we are more likly the not going to miss the tax break week end. I suppose that is the way of the world. We also need to get the ceiling up in the kitchen before the hurrcianes come. I would hate to think what might happen if that is not finished before the winds and rain realy pick up. Sabastion will be starting 2 hours a week of ABA. I I am very excited to see how this will all work out. I am rambling now and will close this little note. With hope, always with hope.