At the end of the day I took Hannah and JC to meet Grandma Cheri and Grandpa D. Oh yeah Frodo too. This picture is me showing Dad Grandpa D and JC how to play with the ball tower.
Friday, February 18, 2005
Double the trouble, double the fun. I showed Frodo my house today.
Frodo and I are getting to know eachother. Playing ball is a common past time. That and squeeky toys.
This is Grandma Cheri's new furry child. His name is Frodo of the Shire. There is more to it, but I forget it all. He is an Lhasa Apso. You can click on the high lighted text for more info on the breed. I like him. he is very cute, and travel sized.
I love running around outside at Grandama Jo and Grandpa Tom's house. Mom could not get Andy puppy and I in a picture together. She said she would try again next time.
Grandma Cheri took Mom and I to Panera Bread. I had a PBJ and it was real good. My bottle was good too. You might have one in your area. Try them ytou will like them. Mom likes their coffee.
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Uncle Gregory and his nephew Austin came over to play this weekend.
Uncle Gregory and his nephew Austin were very sleepy after all the playing we did.
Mom gave me a bath. She says it is part of her job. I do not like baths, but I like the cuddles after.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
On Sunday Grampa came over to help paint the house. He looks like a pirate.
On Saturday Mom and Grandma took me shopping down in Vero Beach. I zonked out.
Friday, February 04, 2005
Cici's pizza isn't that bad. Mom says, "never again". I hope she didn't mean pizza.
I met my cousins. They cam just to see me, and to go to Dysney World. That is my mom's cousin Karen, and her husband Edson. The kids are named Kalye and Cole. They walked with my Grandma on the beach and found shells. And we ate pizza.
At the end of the day I was very tiered.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Mom dose not like to put her picture up, but people have been asking. So she said this one of her and Dad was O.K. to post.
I have a very high vertical jump. Just like Spiderman.
Dad tickles me and I love it!
Grampa D came over the other night. He is so silly. I love it when he comes over to play.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Now that is a Kodak moment...
Me and a bottle and a beans' quilt......
It tickles Dad...
What is this Mom? Is it for me? Of course it is for me. Everything is for me.